Thursday, September 19, 2013

Picture Overload. Labor Day Weekend/Flag Foodball, and Random happenings

 Brielle has been hilarious lately. She is spoiled rotten, and learning to really throw awesome tantrums but she has these cute moments that just make it so hard to be mad at her for long :) She is so particular about her clothing. She throws fits EVERY SUNDAY as we try to put her in a dress. She hates long dresses or 'big' skirts, etc. So I was absolutely shocked that she insisted on wearing this dress up dress. Its actually Cambree's size but with some modifications, it works for her and she loves to wear it.

 For my mom or Grandma's 50th birthday, we had to celebrate it a couple weeks early. Grandpa arranged for the family to do bowling. The kids had a BLAST! They loved every second of it. Even Brielle got in on the action.
 Ridge was hilarious with how he 'threw' the ball. And I mean he literally threw the ball. It would make this huge loud crash sound every time.
 Brielle and Brecklynn used this stand to bowl. Brecklynn LOVED it as well. And Brielle always threw her hands up after she bowled and would scream 'I did it'. She was so proud of her self. Cambree loved bowling and kept trying to bowl on every one elses turn. We need to do it more.
 After bowling we went back to Grandma and Grandpas for Pizza and to sing to Grandma.

 Every Monday Brecklynn and Cambree have gymnastics. Well Brielle has now insisted she get dressed in 'nastics' clothes.
 Just another dance night at the Allens
 Ridge has been such a different experience for me with starting Kindergarten. Cambree struggled leaving me and I had a hard time pulling information about her day out of her every day. Ridge on the other hand, loves school (hates the weekends), and gives me detailed accounts about his day. He is thriving in school. A new Ridge has emmerged over the past couple weeks. He's really grown up. I'm enjoying the new bond I am having with him. I took him to lunch a couple weeks back and he was actually upset with me for taking him away from school. That is until I allowed him to choose a place to eat. He chose Burger King. Now he always asks me when he gets to do it again. He's such a good kid and just love seeing him grow. He just went on his first field trip this past week to the apple orchard and he was SO excited to ride the bus. He absolutely loved it. He also read his first 3 chapter of a book today which he was so proud about. He is such a smart boy.

** Quick story. So Ridge came home 2 days in a row crying and saying " I'm just not ready to be a Kindergartner yet'. I asked him why he would think that and he proceeds to tell me that he has gotten in trouble 5 times. I ask him what for and he doesn't remember. Luckily his teacher is a friend so I text her to find out what could be going on. Turns out he's never been 'in trouble', at least no any more than the teacher telling him he needs to be quiet like she does to any other kid. He is just such a perfectionist that any thing wrong, he takes very hard.
 One day I was cleaning down stairs and I turned around to see this.....obviously she wants to be a doll....
 Then she did this....can you see the chair she's on?

 Then my favorite, she had her baby join in on the fun and she chose another seat.

For Labor Day, we decided to take a very last minute staycation. Things had been kind of rough and not only did the kids want to do something fun, but I needed a break. So last minute I pricelined a resort in Scottsdale. It turns out we got the Scottsdale Princess for $85 a night. I was thrilled. I had gone there a couple times as a kid and remembered having a blast. 
We got there late Friday evening so we didn't check out the pool till the following day. It had an amazing kid pool with a wade in side and 2 slides. The kids had a blast. We literally stayed there ALL day. 

At night they had a movie in the pool and a fireworks show.
 Ridge the first night, stayed up most of the night due to a cough so the following day he was very tired.

 The theme for the resort was Cruising style. So they had tons of activities and games for the kids. They had dance parties, limbo contest, sandcastle buidling, water bingo and tons more. The kids loved it and we as parents did too because they were constantly entertained.

 Radio Disney came both days we were there and they as well had contests and things for the kids. Can you find Brielle? She kept insisting on doing everything with the big kids.
 Curtis and I both walked away saying we will do this every year. It was so worth it. Cambree even got to do a zip line they had set up at the resort. It was just so much fun and we didn't have to go any where or spend any more than the hotel cost for all the fun. Definitely a new tradition.

 OUR GRASS IS IN!! Its in patches still but we have grass. The kids and I couldn't be more excited!

 Ridge started football practice. Curtis has been amazing with him. He spends time in the evenings showing him how to throw and catch and at the practices if Ridge messes up, he helps him understand its ok. Ridge still takes it hard at times.
 We are so lucky to live in this small town and have so many close friends. Even with all our kids that are in school, there's still a ton that are not in school yet that Brecklynn and Brielle get to be close friends with. Love it!
 Ridge has been begging me to come eat IN his school ever since a friend did it. So we did it last week. It was a lot of fun. Ridge has about 15 kids in his class that I have had in preschool and of course all the other kids I've had that are in other classes I got to see too. So it was a very fun reunion for me and for Brecklynn. She sure misses her old friends in school. I need to do this more often. It was a neat experience.
 Just another shot of the grassy back yard.
 Another lunch date with friends.
 So Ridge had his first football game this past Saturday. Grandma and Grandpa came down to see it and Ridge couldn't be more excited.
 He was so happy to wear his jersey, mouth guard and the final touch-the black lines under his eyes.

 One of his good friends is on his team. Makes it more fun. These two are definitely the smallest and youngest on the team.

 The Mighty Dolphins.
 Ridge did awesome. He is a blocker and takes it so seriously. He blocks one person and then runs after another person to block. He really enjoys the game. He's been asking every day when the next game is. Should be interesting to see him get better and better.