Monday, January 5, 2015

New Year 2015

It has been a solid year since I have post anything. This past year was a lot of lows and struggles, but tons of highs as well. This year, in attempt to keep my journaling going, I want to start this blog back up again to be able to make sure I document all those small moments in my families life.

Some of the goals I strive for this year

Blog at least once a month
Exercise daily
Personal Scripture Study
Family Scripture Study
Stress less financially
Take in the small moments more
Let go of the small things
Forgive more
Instill a better relationship with my family

There are so many more things I could add to the list but trying to be realistic. I started school this past fall and its added a new element to my already crazy life. But I am loving the ability I have to learn more. I didn't realize how mush I do love to learn. I also realize I need to not sweat the little things, especially in the moment. Most things won't matter int he long run :).

I love my family and I love my husband and I will strive my best to make sure they know that. Make sure I am doing the best I can as a mother and a wife. This blog is for them to know our families story and know how much love we have within our family walls.

Here's to making 2015 the best year ever!