Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Brielle Update

Where to start? 
Daily Curtis and I are asking where she came from. She is so full of personality. Lately she's become a total diva and can throw some amazing tantrums. She HATES to get dressed. It doesn't matter what we are putting her in, if its not her idea, she will throw a fit. Its really frustrating. She loves to wear pjs. There's days where she will change immediately after preschool into pjs. She is slowly growing to like other shoes besides her pick sandals (thank goodness). 

This was walking to church. Just was too cute not to take a picture.

 She is potty trained! This is huge. I dedicated veterans weekend to getting her potty trained and thankfully it wasn't too bad this time round. She hasn't had an accident or problem since really being potty trained. We even did a huge trip to Disneyland and besides the last night (probably our fault), she didn't have any accidents the entire trip. So not we have no more diapers. Weird to think. We are out of the baby phase officially. Here her sisters helped her stay entertained on the potty with reading her books.

 Just cute...
 So she loves chapstick. I mean LOVES chapstick/lipgloss, lipstick, makeup. Here's just a fun story I want to remember. So one night Brielle disappeared. Curtis went to check on her and walked into our room. He could hear in our bathroom, cabinet doors and drawers slamming shut as he walked in. Brielle frantically started pushing Curtis out and telling him to leave and go away. So Curtis being curious, did as she asked. He walked out but just out of site. He snuck back around hte corner to see what she was up to. Not two seconds after he left, she had my makeup drawer out and she was in my makeup, applying it all over her face. He snuck back out and again called to her and said "Brielle what are you doing" and proceeded to walk back in. Again he could hear frantic drawers and doors shutting. She had put it all back away. In a split second she had put everything away. He came and showed me the same scenario. We were dying laughing. She was SO quick. Below is a picture of her getting a hold of some lip gloss. Obviously it wasn't just for the lips...
 This was a couple hours after being outside. Dirt had added to her beautifully 'painted' face.

 So like I said earlier, she HATES to get dressed by us. This was one day of her getting herself dressed. The 'shirt' is actually a pair of shorts and she's wearing the legs as a tube top. She LOVES that skirt too. She has worn holes all over it.
 So this is her being a drama queen. I was cleaning and she wanted me to hold her. She pulls a baby act a lot. Drives me crazy.
 Another Brielle dressing moment.

We just love her personality. She has so much going on at all times. You can't help but laugh at her with everything she says. The simplest of things she says are hilarious because of how she says it. Her eyes and head shakes just make everything hilarious. She recently has started singing...and not just singing- but she belts out songs at the top of her voice. Drives Brecklynn crazy. She is a smarty pants. She now can recognize her name, counts to 15 and sometimes 20. We just love her so much. 

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