Monday, May 20, 2013

Overrall update!

I am so close to being caught up again! Whew :) So this is a post to just update on the kids and just random events. 

 Cambree lost 4 teeth in the space of 3 days. She looks pretty funny now. She lost the first at school. I joked with her on Sunday that I wanted her black tooth out. So even though it wasn't loose, she worked on it and by early afternoon, she pulled it out.

 Ridge is known as twilight in the Allen family. Uncle Aaron had fun one dinner and drew this vampire hair line on him since they say that's what he looks like. Ridge loved it!

 As I have been still trying to run, the kids insisted on going with me. They did awesome. We ran a mile and on every corner we'd stop and do situps or push ups or lunges. They loved it.
 Ridge and his best friend Cooper found two ladybugs one day. They said something like oh poor lady bugs, I bet they're in love and they lost eachother. So after that, it sparked a whole afternoon of making lady bug stuff.
 This is ladybug hotel. Notice the picture has ants on it crossed out. Thought it was really cute.
 On April 20th, all us sister-in-laws did our first mud run. It was a lot of fun and I think we've found our new tradition. Next year we'll get Connie and Sarah too.

 I took these off the site. Kind of fun. Curtis says I look like I'm 8 in this picture.

 Brielle has gotten so independent. One day without me knowing, she got water, got the water colors and a coloring book and went to town watercoloring. Quite amazing actually. Mind you she did get a lot of it on her but she did pretty good.

 Ridge and Cambree were in the gymnastics show this year. Ridge loves it cause he learns new tricks all the time. Grandma and Grandpa Meikle came down and so did Uncle Jaymon and Aunt ShanTay and Aunt Jarica. The kids felt pretty special

 This was just us stopped at McDonalds.
 I came into preschool one morning to find this. Cambree had written a song on the board.

So let me start with Cambree. She is almost 7! 7! That is so crazy to me. She'll be in 2nd grade next year. She LOVES to read. Is reading Charlotte's Web right now and is always reading to the kids. She loves writing too. She's like me and loves to write lists :) She is doing Coach Pitch this summer which is excited about and also is going to take a Tennis class. After watching her cousin Garrett, she has had an interest in it. 
Ridge is so ready for Kindergarten. After testing in, he thinks he can go now. He is an amazing learner. He picks up on anything around him and can process it to make it make sense to him. He is a natural dancer and more and more people are telling me I need to enter him into some kind of contest. He just went on his first Father and Son's outing. He loved it except getting pegged with a pinecone in the face. He has a natural ability to draw pretty much anything. He has learned how to read and his writing has come a long way too. He taught himself recently how to ride his bike. 
Brecklynn is very ready for school to be out. She's on burn out mode from preschool. But she is so smart. Knows all her letters and sounds. Can write her whole name and is slowing learning site words. She's doing amazing. She's excited to go swimming in the pool and she thinks we are getting a puppy since we are doing our backyard. 
Brielle- well there's not much new to say since I updated on her birthday. She's just a true character. She has to have a hair band on her arm or leg. :)
Curtis is working on our backyard. We should get grass this summer and I can't tell you how excited I am about this. 
Well that's it for now. I'll update more frequently hopefully.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Connor's Farewell

This past week Connor left on his mission. Its been a very emotional time. He was called to the Chicago mission speaking Spanish.  We are so excited for Connor to be going on his mission. I got to go down for his to go through the temple which was a neat experience. 

 We had an open house for him on Saturday before his talk. Chelsie made these cute missionary cupcakes.

 Grandma with Kensley

 Some of his friends
 We had family from Washington and Las Vegas make the trip for this. It was so fun to have the family all there.

 Last photo with Uncle Connor.

Sunday he gave a great talk and after my parents had EVERYone over for dinner. We figured it was about 60 people there. It went well though. 

It was a great weekend. Now to see what the next adventure is for him.