Saturday, May 18, 2013

Brielle turns 2

I still cannot believe my little baby is now 2. Time has truly flown by. Its seems like over night she has gone from a baby to a toddler. She is one ball of energy. I wish I could freeze time and keep her this size and with her same spunky personality forever. She has the cutest faces, cutest personality. 

I nearly forgot her birthday this year. I feel bad. Her birthday is just at such a busy time of year. But its ok, she's still young. I made the mistake of going down the baby isle trying to come up with even one gift to give her. She wanted EVERY baby in the aisle despite the fact that she has 20 already at home. So for her birthday, we got her another baby. 

 She cracked us up because we started singing and lit the candle and she knew exactly what to do. She waited until we were done and then blew it out.

 That evening we had dinner at Pat's and celebrated with a little cake for her.

 This is her telling us how old she is. Every time you ask, it takes her awhile to get her fingers right.

Just some fun things about her as a quick update.

Her favorite show is still Bubble Guppies. She could seriously watch it all day long. She has even started to recite some of the things on the show. 
She is starting to learn her colors. She loves doing preschool now. She does all the songs with the kids and has to do all the painting too. 
She could drink chocolate milk all day long if she was allowed.
She has the funniest faces a kid ever had. And she will do it when she doesn't know anyone is looking. 
She always has to say good bye to Curtis every morning and even calls him Curtis. Curtis thinks its funny right now but I don't think it will be as cute as she gets older :)
She also has to give hugs and kisses good bye to Cambree every day too. 
Brielle copies everything you say now and it cracks us up. 
She loves to dance for an audience and do tricks like her siblings
If she finds a marker, or crayon or pen- watch out! She's going to color on something. Usually its on herself. In fact recently she even colored the bottoms of her feet. But she does color quite well for her age. 
She has the most opinions about her clothes and shoes than I've seen. Brecklynn and Cambree loved all the shoes I would give them. Brielle is so stubborn. She won't wear any of her cute new shoes. She is stuck on the same 3 pairs that she is very quickly growing out of. Not quite sure what she will do when she grows out of them. Makes me sad because I got her cute bob's and sandals that are brand new that she will not touch. 
She also is very picky about her dresses. She doesn't like dresses. She cries when we put on a poofy big dress on her. 

I just love her so much. She does throw terrible tantrums but its hard for me to not relish in the fact that she is the last. I guess that's where you get the spoiled youngest kids. 

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