Friday, September 4, 2015

A little bit of random

Curtis took this shot of our backyard when he had to fix some shingles on our roof. 

 One day, all the adults went to dinner and left all the cousins at Pat's house. When we came home, we saw this. Apparently Darren convinced them theres a game called the rock game. Basically you have to stay still and not talk just like a rock. He promised them all candy bars if they'd do it. They all did and was quite impressive. I guess that's one way to get a group of kids to be quiet.

 Trying new hair styles.

 We had a garage sale and the kids did a lemonade stand. Didn't go like planned but they still enjoyed it.

 Cambree helped me make this puzzle. It took us a couple days.

 Brielle loves her Morgan. Morgan works at our favorite restauruant, El Charro. So Brielle loves the place even more now.

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