Tuesday, September 8, 2015


One day after preschool, I stayed after a bit talking to parents outside. The front door was being opened and closed a ton because Brielle was playing with some of the kids. Well at one point Brielle runs out and tell me that a bird was in our house. She tends to over exaggerate so I didn't think anything of it. I finally go back inside and start cleaning my preschool room. Next thing I know Brielle is screaming and running in the room saying its flying all over. Well again I was at least thinking it was a fly or something. Little did I know or expect to see a bat. It would land for a couple seconds then start flying around the house. I was that classic girl you see in movies who sees a mouse etc. I was screaming like a little girl. Haha. Brielle was all freaked out too. I tried to call Curtis, he was in the mine and had no reception. My in-laws were gone. So I finally called our good friend Jason to help me. He came to my rescue. Took a bit for sure. He was flying all over the place. Jason took care of it. Brielle still talks about this and tells everyone it was thrown in the garbage. 

We told the kids when they got home and classic Ridge started asking all kinds of questions like- did it have reddish eyes, and long nails etc. Things I of course had no clue. He then proclaims that it was a brown bat. (My little animal smartie pants). Definitely a day that we won't forget. 

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