Thursday, September 3, 2015


We were playing in the backyard one evening, when Brielle came up to Curtis and said something like "Elsa touched you". And he laughed and asked why. And she pointed to his grey spot. She is convinced that Elsa made that white spot. Haha

In Preschool we made 'clouds' out of soap. It was a really neat experiment. And heck, my house smelled fantastic afterwards too. 

 Oh Brielle and her lucky. She truly loves this dog. People always joke with us that we need to get her a dog. We tell them that she has one, in the backyard. We just don't have the responsibility. One day she disappeared from preschool. Couldn't find her. I started to freak out a bit cause I knew Pat was gone too. Next thing I know, I look out the window and see this :
 She had gone over and grabbed Lucky and brought him back over. I was relieved to know she didn't let him down or he didn't try to escape. That could have been really bad.

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