Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Cambree's ER trip

Poor Cambree has the dreaded Allen genes when it comes to UTI and Kidney infections. She has such a high pain tolerance that she usually doesn't notice she's got an infection until its to the Kidney infection state and she's running a high fever. Well she's suffered with these for several years. And it typcially flares up around the beginning of a school year. She doesn't drink as much water, and teachers don't let her use the restroom as much. This time, she got a pretty bad one. She was running 105+ and even after 48 hours on the meds, it wasn't working. Poor girl was in so much pain. So we called our Dr. and he recommended we go in to the ER. We took her in and of course the waiting is the worse part. She was miserable. Thankfully it was our good friend who was working in the ER and so he took good care of us. Unfortunately Cambree had to get a shot in her bum to help her get better. She was a trooper though. And no joke, within 20 minutes of the shot, we had a new Cambree. Ever since, she's been vigilant about water and not getting another infection. 

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