Friday, September 4, 2015

Superhero Run

We participated in the Superhero Run here at EAC. It is a benefit run for different families in the are who need funds for different things. This year it was for Tesia's good friends who lost their baby after birth, to a heart defect. So they were helping with the hospital bills. It was a good cause, and my kids loved the theme. Ridge wore his costume and we got shirts for the girls. They had a little obstacle course around EAC and at each station was someone dressed up like a superhero. Every kids dream come true. It was a lot of fun. 

 First obstacle was crawling the stairs like spiderman.

 Second was lifting tires like hulk. Brielle had to do it all.

 Then they had to get balls into these baskets.

 Here they had to throw sheilds and carry sand bags.

 Because Brielle was so cute throughout it, she got attention and was put on the paper with Tesia. She was so full of energy the whole run.

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