Thursday, September 3, 2015

"Oh The Place's You'll Go" Preschool Graduation

Of all the graduations I've done, this was by far my favorite. We had planned all year to have the backyard ready to host the graduation. Curtis worked his tail off to get the wall finished. We did everything we could to keep our winter grass green (yes a large water bill too). But it was worth it. I loved how it all turned out. I guess there was quite the turn out to the event cause there were several asking about what all the cars were for. The kids did great, weather was great (besides the wind in the beginning). 

 We did an enterance this year to Paparazzi. The kids had to walk down the 'aisle' with rock star walks and poses. It was awesome.

 We did a preschool rendition to "Party Rock"

 This year I asked each kid what they wanted to be when they grew up and told a snippet about them with their diploma.

 I was so proud of Brecklynn. She had been SO shy and I truly wondered if she would even participate in the event. She blew me away by not only participating, but she smiled and got into the songs. Sure made my night seeing her so happy and involved.

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