Wednesday, September 16, 2015


I can't remember exactly when it was, but close to New Years we got a text that our good friends got in a horrible crash coming home. Adam was airlifted to a local hospital in unknown condition. Original stories had some of their kids hurt too. 

Later we found out that the trailer he was towing with a jeep on it, broke and axle. Adam knew what was happening and even with all his knowledge, couldn't prevent it. It jack knifed and rolled several times. When it stopped rolling, he had been thrown out his side window. All of the kids and Laura had no damage at all. They all had their seat belts on. Adam though, was another story. He had broken 7 ribs, lacerations all over, and hurt his hands. Though he wasn't wearing his seat belt, it was actually a blessing. If he had worn it, it is likely his outcome wouldn't have been as good. If you look at the pictures closely, you'll see all their Christmas things. Including stockings and presents. 

Curtis and I felt it was important for us to come down and see Adam. We visited him in the hospital. He was walking around but still in pain. Laura told me how scary it was for her to see her husband laying there like that. I can't even imagine. But she said that it was all meant to happen some how. The person behind them was so sweet that they came with blankets and wrapped her kids up and took care of them while Laura attended to Adam. And those same people gathered up what they could of their belongings and drove it all the way out to Queen Creek. Then Adam's sister had decided last minute to stay with them a bit longer up in Flagstaff and was about a mile behind them. His sister knew when she couldn't get ahold of Adam and Laura on their phones that they were in trouble. She took the side of the road up to them and was able to be there too. 

It was a very hard time for them, but we are grateful they are ok.

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