Wednesday, September 2, 2015


OH Ms. Brielle. Always such a character.

We went down for the Gilbert Open House. That temple is gorgeous and HUGE. It has so many levels. My kids were blown away by it. April had the opportunity to work in the Temple, so was able to share some inside knowledge on things which was pretty cool.

For the Preschool Valentines day, a friend came and did a photo shoot with all the kids. Brecklynn refused, but Brielle participated. Turned out super cute.
Right before Valentines- Brielle got a super cute hair cut. Love it short. Reminds me of Cambree at this age.
We had a fun preschool outdoors day. We did a letter scavenger hunt. The kids LOVED running all over to locate the letters all over and match them to their correct letter.

We finished the preschool day with some P.E. exercises.
Curtis was put over scouts. Which meant I was over it haha. First thing was the blue and gold banquet in late February. I was a bit nervous about it but think it turned out pretty good in the end. Curtis was released shortly after.

Oh Brielle haha. She always had the best fashion sense.
Since Tesia worked with Mark Palmer, I had him come in for our Dentist day. It was fun having familiar faces doing it.

On Curtis' birthday weekend, I signed up to do a 10k. I roped in several of my friends to join me. They all hated me to begin with, but reported afterwards, they were grateful they did it. It was SO cold int he morning and rained most of it while we waited. My knees kept giving out unfortunately. I was super frustrated because I had trained so long and hard for this race, only to ultimately be crippled by my knees. I did the best that I could though. Rest of the day my knees gave me problems. My parents watched the kids so I could treat Curtis to a weekend away. We went out to an improv show with Chad and LeMae and a movie. It was a fun weekend.

Cambree was in a show at school. She did a great job.

Week before Spring Break, I had some medical problems. I was flown to Phoenix for a couple days. Thankfully Tesia was here and Kayla had already made plans to come down for the week since it was her Spring Break. They filled in where I could not. They even made this cute coming home banner for me. I am grateful to have so much support during that extremely hard time.

Since Spring Break was the following week, I took advantage of the break and went to the valley with my kids for a couple days. We stayed at Aprils house. First night, I stayed up till almost 3 talking to April. She made me feel so much better about things and really put things in perspective for me. So grateful for her that night. Next couple days, I truly just savored the time with my kids. It was a very fun Spring Break!

April has a drawer for my girls at her house. It contains old jewelry for them to go through when they come. Well this go around, Cambree found these beauties. Thanks April! She wears them all the time.....
One of the things we did was go to Jump Street. It was a super neat indoor trampoline place. We had the place basically to ourselves for most of the day. All the kids had a blast. They loved being able to do their tricks and not get hurt.

Next we did a movie.

Then we met up with LeMae and her kids and went to the wildlife zoo. It was super hot but we still had fun. I really enjoy that zoo. Its so personal.

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