Friday, September 4, 2015

A little house redo

One Saturday, Tesia and I were looking through pinterest. I showed her this idea that I had had for my wall but didn't know if it would turn out right. Well next thing I know, we've decided to jump into the project. Our goal was to do it and get it done before Curtis got home from his job. Well it didn't happen. But we did get super close. The taping wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. In the end, I was super happy with the result. However, when we took off the blue tape in the end, it did make crisp lines but also took off the other wall paint. So I had to go back with a tiny paint brush to fix all the spots. 

 My mom took my kids for a week. I decided to do a bit of house makeover while they were gone. The girls room was once a bright green. It was a bit overwhelming. So since Cambree moved out, I took down their bunk beds and made two separate beds, and painted their room the same color as the rest of the house. Then I added white vinyl hearts to the room. Finally we got them new bedspreads. I love how it all turned out.
 I had to do something for Ridge too. So I painted a red stripe and then put red dots up.

 This is the project I was working on with the pictures I took of my kids. I put their pictures on this board and mounted it to the wall at the base of my stairs.
 This was another project. I always ahve pictures I want to have posted up somewhere. So I made this HUGE board and made printed out tons of my favorite pictures in a square and clipped them on it.
 This was my living room before. I loved the colors, but the red always casted a red color.

 The kitchen before.

 After- I painted the kitchen the same color as the rest of the house. Then I painted a ton of my stuff I already had, to make accents. The mirror used to be gold. The frame on the right was a garage sale find and Kayla made me the print to go in it.
 The white cupboards on top we found at ikea a couple years back. I love my posters on top.

I love how it all turned out. It really brightened up the house. 

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