Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Brecklynns Class

This is a little random post about some things of Brecklynn's Kindergarten Class

So they had a career day where you came dressed as you wanted to be when you grow up. She wanted to be a dentist. So Aunt Tesia supplied the items. Well I guess somehow a glove got a hole in it and Brecklynn freaked out at school. Thankfully her teacher is a good friend so she texted me about it. She said Brecklynn claimed I was going to be SO mad that she got a hole in it. Her teacher calmed her down and she was ok. But just a crazy day. 

 I was one of her art moms this year and we had to help design the bulletin boards. So this was what I came up with for October. I think it came out great.
 In early December, Brecklynn took home the coveted Pete the Cat bag. She kept him for a couple days and had to take pictures and journal about what she did with him. That cat never left her side.

 Brecklynn loved her teacher. So much so, she was constantly making her pictures etc. Well one day she decided she needed a water bottle. So she decorated the outside and top of the waterbottle for her teacher. Mind you, it was a used water bottle haha.

This was her at her All About Me week. 

 This was the other bulletin board I helped her class with.
 This is out of order, but she got this from her teacher even before class started. I just thought it was SO cute!

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