Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Baseball Season

Another Season of baseball. This year- all 4 wanted to play. It has made things quite interesting. Brielle would play on one field, Brecklynn another, and the others at another. Sometime we had 2-3 conflicting at the exact same time. But we did our best and we survived. Brielle had an epic first game. She had never even been to a practice. So She had NO clue what the game was. She swung several times at the ball on the tee. Then she ran but ran the wrong direction. Ran to first, then to 3rd, then to 2nd. It was crazy and hysterical. I couldn't be there cause I was at Brecklynn's game, but Curtis got it on video. Its pretty funny. Great start. Brecklynn was a great surprise. She actually played and loved it. Ridge was ok. He was very nervous playing in the bigger league. He was on Uncle Aaron's team and his cousin D and Luke's team. Made for some interesting games. Ridge was a character in the field. He was always acting like he was playing the game even when he didn't have the ball. Very entertaining. Cambree pitched for her second year and got really good. She had some personal coaching this year. She's a natural though. Good hitter, and good pitcher. 

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