Sunday, August 28, 2016

Last days of preschool!- LOTS of pictures

Well it happened- I sold my preschool. And to someone local- and to a friend. Things I didn't think I would happen. So I had to document the process of tearing down my baby. It has been a lot lot harder than I ever thought it would be. Part of me is relieved that the pressure and stress is gone, but its also hard because I am in my groove. I have everything down working great. Its hard turning it over to someone and lack any control over how they do it. 

 The kids helped me tear it down. It wasn't the end of school yet, but the girl wanted to get stuff set up to show prospect families. So we took down everything and kept only what I needed for the remaining week of school.

I'll miss all the precious notes I always got from my kiddos. 

One thing I never had to worry about, was I always kept my kids work in my folders as an example for the following years. Well with me handing it off, I had to keep all that work but she needed pictures of what they looked like for her to reference. So I had to take a ton of pictures of all the different pieces of art we completed. It was such a trip down memory lane. 

 They came and got the first load of stuff. It was so weird seeing my room boxed up.

 This was the last few days of preschool. The kids thought it was so weird. I have to agree. I didn't like how blan it looked.

 The last time lining up!

 Over the weekend, we went to town. Little did I know ho much of a beating the walls had taken with preschool. Staple holes, and pin holes every where. But we knocked it out and it looks so good and clean.

Cambree is having the hardest time with the change. She keeps thinking I am being to insensitive over the change and that I should be more sad over it. Haha, little does she know. 

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