Sunday, August 28, 2016

Piano Recital

With the end of year, comes all the end of the year performances. This weekend also happened to be Father and Sons so Curtis didn't make it to the recital. Brecklynn's teacher has been great with her. She knew about her anxiety and has worked with her from the beginning. She told me that she thought Brecklynn would perform and I was hesitant to believe. Her teacher convinced her to do a duet which would help since her teacher would be right next to her. 

When it was her turn, she stood up and was supposed to say her name and the name of her piece. She started to have a freak out moment. I thought for sure that was the end of it. She wasn't going to perform. But her teacher stepped up and announced for her. Brecklynn performed her piece flawlessly. I couldn't have been more proud. I was very emotional over what had taken place. Such a huge victory in her book. 

 Cambree did a Phantom of the Opera piece and did very well too. Considering she also performed with a migraine. (She gets it from her momma).
 In the end, each kid got a little award and Cambree got a presitgious award for her attitude in practice, and her determination to learn. Great night for our family.

 As a way to celebrate, we had to go out to eat. I had several other families come up to me in the restaurant to comment on how beautiful my girls are and how well behaved they were. Love my girls.

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