Sunday, August 28, 2016

McKnight Family Reunion and Brielle's 5th birthday

We got a call that my Uncle Mack and his entire family would be in town. So it became an impromtu reunion. It was the first time in many years, that that many of the McKnights were together. It was great seeing them. 

 Some of Grandma McKnights grandkids

 So funny story- my mom had asked me what to get her for her birthday. She had asked for a power wheels car for Christmas the year before. We didn't get it. But they did get American girl dolls and thought a car for them would be perfect. My mom was excited, and I was excited about her getting this present. We were both sure that she would be ecstatic!

She gets to opening the present, and seems ok, then she attempts to get inside the car. We stop her and she freaks out. She claims she HATES the car. I was so embarrassed by how she was acting and completely caught off guard. I pull her aside and go through it with her. It took her a second, but she did finally get excited about the car.

 She was attempting to speak spanish with Uncle Connor.

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