Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Cousins and Trampolines

We had a very busy first week of summer. We started it off with two High School graduations. Dagan and Morgan both graduated from High School. So proud of both of them. 

 Then cousins came down to do some summer camps with us. That also meant a lot of time together.

 During this crazy weekend, our lovely neighbors decided to use our play set and trampoline without permission. There were at times, 7 teens on the tramp. Well Brielle decided to finally jump on it when it was left alone. She went straight through the tramp. The neighbors had broken the tramp and didn't even tell us. I was just a little bit upset so Curtis went over to the neighbors to inform them. They offered to pay, so we had to start the process of fitting it for a new mat.

 Once the mat was on, the kids broke it in for a couple hours at night haha. Didn't last long but they were still excited.

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