Sunday, August 28, 2016


The long anticipated day came. Graduation. I was curious how it would go since it was first year in many, where I had one class in graduation. So I was a bit nervous at how little the turn out might be. But I was pleasantly surprised but how many there were. It was a great night. 

 We did 'Baby Shark' song

 My truffala trees

 Lining up to go out

 We walked out to 'Paparazzi song'. Kids loved wearing the glasses.

 We did a song and dance to "uptown funk". Definitely the high light of the night.

 Then we had each kid bring a person up to do "Tooty Ta". Brielle grabbed her Nana.

 Then we did diplomas. Small tidbits about each kiddo and then a hug and shake.

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