Tuesday, August 23, 2016

New Year

With the start of a new year- there was a lot of new changes. I had hopes of making some improvements to the house to make things easier for our family. 

 One day I decided to clean out from under our bed. It is quite the task since its a solid wood base. Curtis has horrible allergies so the dust was really bothering him. With such a large undertaking, I decided to take advantage of the time and move around my room. We had never considered moving the bed in front of the windows for fear of it being weird covering our light. However, we have come to love it. We did have a problem with the tv situation. It made it super hard to look at. So Curtis being the amazing handy man that he is, simply decided to move it above our bathroom door. It is amazing. Ridge loved the whole project. Curtis took him up in the attic to move the wires and Ridge thought he was hot stuff. It was fun watching them work on the project together.

 Brecklynn started having a very hard year. Her teacher she started the year with, had a baby, and last minute decided to cut out early AND not return. Plus, they couldn't find a replacement. Brecklynn was a wreck over the Christmas break. She was literally pulling her hair out at night due to stress. She had bald spots. Her stomach was hurting constantly. The day before school was starting again, I got the most amazing news that a good friend of mine had taken the position. I can't tell you the relief I got from this. And she was the biggest blessing I could have asked for. She helped teach Brecklynn coping mechanisms for her anxiety. Seriously a huge answer to my prayers.

Cambree went back to school and somehow hurt her tooth on a sucker. Cambree tends to be a little dramatic when it comes to things so I didn't want to believe she was really 'hurting'. That's why it is so nice having a sister who works at a dentist office. She just told me to bring her in. We took an xray and found she had actually split the tooth. Thankfully it was a baby tooth. But we opted to get it taken out because of the exposed nerve. Cambree was hilarious. I truly wish I had video taped her reaction. The dentist was so good, she had no clue it was even out and started freaking out when it was done.

 This was the note to the toothfairy.
 Brielle decided to make a huge fort on the table downstairs with 'stairs' on the chairs to the 'top floor'. Quite cute and funny.

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