Friday, February 12, 2016

After Christmas fun

The kids wedding outfits were their Christmas outfits. They looked pretty cute. 

 I left after Christmas to go to the valley with my sisters. I got these sent to me from Curtis. They were doing their makeup on eachother. So good.

Christmas morning.

So we thought for sure the kids would be up super early. They got up at 5:30. Not bad in my book. Here's the best part. So the kids obeyed Curtis' sign. They stayed right next to the sign, while Ridge went down and intercom us to come get them. So we get up, and go get them. We tell them all to close their eyes. Well Brecklynn, grabs Curtis' hand and closes her eyes. She's thinking that Curtis will lead her correctly. Next thing you know, he's lead her right into the corner of the wall. Poor girl! Made for a great start that morning. 

Curtis took his time getting ready. Took a shower and everything. Kids laid in bed and waited. Finally 1/2 hour later we took them out. 

 The kids were hilarious with their skates. I think they truly felt like it would be a lot easier than it was. It was so funny watching as each kid tried to grasp the concept of it.
 That morning was so easy going. We broke out their big mirror so the girls could play.
 Aunt Tesia bought this dress that had a matching American girl doll dress. It was huge on Brielle but she insisted on trying it.
 About 3- Brielle was out. She was so exhausted.
 This year we made these frames for my mil and for my mom and grandma. I think they turned out pretty good.

Curtis got me new perfume and a new apple watch. I got him 12 pre-planned and pre-paid dates to be opened every month. 

It truly was a very fun Christmas. Each kid got something that they could really use a lot and grow talents from. 

Christmas Eve

We had a fun Christmas Eve this year. We started by doing cookies for Santa. I cheated this year, and bought pre-made sheets of dough. Man was it so much cleaner and easier. 

 Then we decided to go see the new Star Wars movie. We were worried that with it being Christmas Eve, it would be super packed. SO we scrambled and rushed there to get this....

 Haha, but it was still fun.
 Decorating cookies after the movie.

 Then we had our classic Christmas Eve dinner. We broke out all the best. Kids refused to eat most of it (of course), but its tradition right.
 They rushed to get pjs on before we could stop them. So they were already in pjs when they opened their first gift of Christmas.
 When they initially opened them up, everyone was excited about their pjs. Even Brielle- but as this pictures shows, that excitement didn't last. She through a fit immediately after putting them on. Silly part is, she loves them now and wears them almost every night. Stink'n girl.
 The funny part with this picture is she was still super grumpy but I told her we couldn't get her in the car if she wasn't going to smile for a picture. So no joke, seconds before the picture, she's frowning, and we take the picture and she immediately goes back to frowning.
 We gave them all their Christmas light scavenger hunt papers. So they looked over them before we got in the car.

 We were out on the road for over 2 hours. Longest we've made it in a couple years. Kids loved it. There were some good light shows too. When we got home the kids put out reindeer food in the grass. We threatened all the kids that they HAD to go to bed immediately if they wanted Santa to come.
 We went to our room for awhile. Santa didn't come till super late. But he did show up with lots of goodies this year.

 Cambree got a new sewing machine, razor scooter, rollerblades, New Cinderella barbie doll and of course her yearly book.
 Ridge got his guitar, rollerblades, and his yearly book
 Brecklynn got an American girl doll and bed, Live monkey, roller blades, and her new book.
 Brielle got an American Girl doll too, trunk of new dresses, roller skates, and a new book.

 This was funny- this is what Curtis put up for the kids in the hall. It appeared to work.