Thursday, February 11, 2016

Little bit of random

 So the week after we got back from Disneyland, Ridge came home from school and announces, my teacher says I have until tomorrow to get in all my work from when I was gone. I looked at him in utter shock. We had done all his work and sent it with him to school. Well somehow, he misplaced ALL his work from the week. He swears he turned it in, but they were no where. This was becoming quite the habit for him. He is such a smart kid, but he was starting to 'forget' a lot. He would forget his home folder, and forget to turn in papers etc. I get this letter shortly after all those events took place. Quite cute.
 School pictures.

So Curtis' brother Lan, has box seats for the U of A stadium. He always has extra tickets he shares. Curtis reserved one of the games for us to go. It was quite the experience and quite the game. There was amazing free food the entire game. Every inning had a new selection set out. We had tvs to watch replays if we wanted but we were also so close to the ground that we could see everything. It was an awesome atmosphere. 

 We won after 2 over times.

Kirsten (Connor's fiance), wanted tulle skirts for the girls. Royal blue with orange pop of color. So I threw one together to see how it would all work. Quickly we were noticing how bad they were going to look. We took pictures to show everyone else.

 Some of the books we did for Cambree's big order.
 Here are all the skirts done. They looked so bad. They really looked very costumey.
 Curtis was so excited when he found this. He found a grey hair on Ridge. Who knows if there will be more but Curtis loved that his boy was following him his footsteps.

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