Thursday, February 11, 2016

Christmas time

Kids helped me decorate this year. They really got into it. And I didn't have to move to many ornaments around this year :)

 My friend Rachel decided to close her store Sorellas after 6 years. Bitter sweet times.
 Chimmy returned- and he had some fun this year. He had a snowball fight with Eric

 Cambree had a recorder recital I was unable to attend. But I grabbed a quick picture of it all dressed up.
 At our ward Christmas party, they had a Santa show up to see all the kids.

 Chimmy with Brielle's Olaf in the fridge- this one took them awhile to find.

 In honor of Star Wars, Chimmy dressed up.

 Brecklynn had a flag ceremony program. It was FREEZING outside. The whole school attends and they perform a quick ceremony.

 Chimmy wrote all over the mirror

 In primary- they did an awesome nativity program just for primary. Each and every kid had a part.

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