Thursday, February 11, 2016


Halloween was fun this year. The kids got to know Jimmy Fallon-thanks to Tesia :). So they all wanted to be something from one of his skits. After much deliberation- they ended up doing the Camp Winnipesaukee skit. Ridge was Jimmy Fallon and Cambree was Justin Timberlake. Brecklynn was Little Debbie who was played by Will Ferrell on Jimmy Fallon. Brielle was being whiny when we started the night so she isn't in any pictures. We got so many comments on it. So we attempted to send it to Jimmy Fallon cause the kids wanted to see it. 

 Trick or treating at Aunt Tesia's...

 We had them lip sync the song from the skit.
 Finally a picture of them all.

 My nephew D came dressed as who knows what. But obviously a girls of some kind. HILARIOUS. So we took a picture with Cambree and him....both swapping roles for the night haha.

 Next day we were driving to Disneyland. I get a text from my niece and she shows me this...

We were SO excited to see that Jimmy and Justin Timerblake had seen and commented on the kids photos. Seriously it was an awesome feeling. Kids were so excited too. 

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