Thursday, February 11, 2016

Disneyland Reunion- TONS of pictures

For over a year, my dad had planned all the Meikle's going to Disneyland again since Connor would be off his mission. We went beginning of November. It was a bit busier than we expected, but it was still a lot of fun. It was great having kids that could ride the rides and not babies any more. We did rent two strollers just because of tired legs but it was still great. We did 4 days at the parks. First day was the day we all wore our shirts. 


 First time on big Thunder, Curtis video taped the whole ride. Boy am I glad he did. He got some epic video.
 On one of the nights waiting for the parade, we saw this guy sitting next to us. My kids started saying- hey that's the guy from 'Kid History' a show on youtube. We didn't think they were right. Well we finally go over and ask- and he was. So we took advantage and took pictures with him and visited with him. Pretty awesome.

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