Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Random April

For Activity Days, they asked us to take a picture with us. We found out later what it was for. 

 Brecklynn was cracking us up one day. She stood out in front of us to do her daily reading. Instead of doing it the normal way, she said she wanted to read it to me like Ms. Vining reads it to her.

 For Track and Field day, I couldn't make it for most of the events because of preschool. However, I did make it to her race. She did very well. She got 5th, out of the 4th grade. She's one fast cookie.

 Awesome Aunt Tesia- she moved back in with us as she started working again down at the dental office. She spent so much time with the kids. Here she was playing clue with them.

 Brielle finally got a hair cut. She was due for one.

 We got a swing finally for our back porch. We went back and forth for along time about what kind and cost etc. Well we finally bit the bullet and got one. Truly has been the best thing. We love our swing.

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