Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Brecklynn's birthday!!

This was the first year that Brecklynn really requested a birthday party. She had grand plans for her birthday. It was cute cause Cambree woke her up with this letter. SO CUTE!

 For her birthday breakfast, she had pancakes.

 This was what she wanted for her birthday. She wanted a water party with her little girl pals.

 She found this cake in her cook book she got from her Great Grandma Meikle and so she wanted it for her birthday. Super easy :)

 They ended the evening with a fun dance party.

 Brielle didn't hesitate to put on Brecklynn's new Elsa wig she got from Grandma. Brecklynn was so nice to let her do it.

 Then Cambree did her make up....

 At Nana's these two had their little celebration. Little twinners.

 Happy Birthday Brecklynn!!

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