Thursday, February 4, 2016

Weekend at the Cabin with friends

Some of our good friends own a cabin up North. For one weekend, they planned a time for several of our families to go up for the weekend. There were 8 couples and like 25 kids. Most stayed in the smaller house/barn. Thankfully, they offered us the main house to use. I am SO grateful we got to stay there. For one, we were separate from all the noise, but it was so much cleaner. So the OCD in me was much happier and it was great to be able to escape when I needed. 

The kids had a blast this weekend. They just got to go around and hike, swing, get dirty, and hang out with the other kids all day long. The weather was fantastic! It was overall, an awesome weekend. 

 Cambree learned how to play cornhole here. She impressed all the adults with her skills. Because of being a pitcher, she had awesome aim and control.

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