Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Preschool Graduation

OH MAN! This was such a stressful/eventful day. But in the end it was fantastic. 

A couple days leading up to Graduation, there was a forecast of thunderstorms and terrible wind. The graduation was originally planned to be in my backyard like the year previous. Well morning of graduation, the weather had a 90% chance of this horrible storm coming. Last minute we started changing everything. It almost came down to being cancelled. Thanksfully our good friends the Willeys, is the pastor of the local Baptist church. He willingly lent us the use of his building for the event. SO we scrambled to change everything for the day. We had a quick dress rehearsal that morning to attempt to figure kids spots out etc. I am grateful that it all worked out and it was great in the end. However, it never did rain...darn weather report. 

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