Saturday, February 6, 2016

Soccer Season

My friend Laura approached me about putting Ridge in Soccer with her son Gavin. We weren't orginally going to do it because we were tired of running around and losing our Saturdays. Well, push came to shove, and we ended up signing him up. Well little did we know, there would be no one to sign up to be their coach. What it came dow to was us doing it, or there would be no coach and the kids would just show up each Saturday. And her other son Ethan's team (in my preschool) didn't have a coach either.

We ended up becoming both teams coaches. I signed up Brielle to be on the other team. She refused to play when she realized she would have to wear shorts- go figure. So we tried Brecklynn. We knew it would be good for her. She was all for it since I was coaching and the practice was going to be in my backyard. 

Laura and I, had NO clue what we were doing. We were researching all the time. It was fun, but so tiring. Our Saturdays were filled with the games. Some super early, and some a bit later. LONG days. 

 Because I was coaching, I was fully involved in the games. I didn't get pictures as much as I would have liked. I relied on what I could get from others. Ridge was an amazing player. He's really good at getting in there. Brecklynn only played two games. Happened to be the first game, and the last. She had to be in the goalie box some how to play and she would rarely move her position but she tried on those games. Ridge was a little energizer bunny. He would run the whole time and would get so upset when he was pulled out for an inning.

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