Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Another Random Post

So- here's another random post of random pictures. There were just too many I couldn't let it begin...

This beauty, was written by Brecklynn. I am so mad I can't remember the premise of this note, but I remember her storming out of her room and Curtis and I were sitting on the couch down stairs. She doesn't say a word, hands me this note, and storms back to her room. I open it up and about died. I couldn't stop laughing! Best note ever!
 For October, I like to start the month off with this book- "Go Away Big Green Monster". We make these paint blot monsters. I love love them!! The kids that let me- I posted on the doors.

So this awesome book- I came across while searching for books at the thrift store for Cambree's book business. It was too cool to pass up. Haha, oh the memory lane this thing produced. 
 We started a Disneyland countdown about October. Kids were SO excited. We were going with Grandma and Grandpa and the entire family.

 This is Brecklynn's before. After many morning battles over doing her hair, I decided to cut it.
 And Brielle felt left here's one with her.

 This was the next day after her hair cut. Not a huge difference but enough to help us out in the morning.

 Brielle loves her friend Zoe. These two are so good together. They will play for hours and I will never hear a peep from them.
 Brecklynn attempted some of the book folding....I had to help her ....a ....bit :)
 This is hard to see, but I got this picture after school one day. Brecklynn and her cousin Daisy are walking with their arms wrapped around each other. They truly love each other. So cute.
 Another project I do in preschool at this time is send home a blank Pumpkin for kids to decorate. This year Brielle wanted a Frozen pumpkin. Fun times.

 For Disneyland- my dad wanted to do shirts again. So with the help of my good friend, we got these shirts done. I think they turned out pretty good.

 I thought this was cute- these two were going over their requirements for Achievement days.

 I told her to go take a time out cause she was so cranky. She was so mad at me for sending her to her room. No joke, this was maybe 5 minutes later....yep she was tired.

 On Fair Day- there's no school. So to keep kids occupied, I made this car track and it kept them occupied for several hours. So simple, and so awesome.

 Some of the shirts I made for the kids for Disneyland. I enjoy these projects. They are fun to tackle.

 On Wednesdays- we do centers in preschool. Two moms come to help so we can utilize more one on one time for kids that need extra help. One mom took these pictures of when they came. Kind of fun having shots like these of preschool in session.

 This center was rescuing the alphabet letters. The mom would call out a letter that needed rescuing and the child had to 'climb the ladder' and locate the correct letter.
 This was painting with cotton balls.
 These were some funny journal pages the kids did. I took a picture to send to their parents since they aren't getting these journals till the end of the year. Pretty awesome.

 For Cambree's art- we did this paper diagram. Each kid did a piece of it and then we put it all together and it made this door picture.

 Brielle is so short that we have been looking for ways to get her taller for the rides. We tried inserts and boots etc. Then Brielle went with her Nana and they found these boots. They added over 2 inches. They were perfect!

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