Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Brecklynn's horrible accident and Valentines Day

On Valentines Day in the middle of preschool, I get a call from another mom in our ward. The elementary school had half day that day, but because it was a holiday, I still held my afternoon preschool so we could still have our party. 
Well Brecklynn had learned to ride her bike only earlier that week. She rode her bike to school that day. After school, her and Ridge were going over a curb and Brecklynn somehow turned too quickly. She went over her handlebars and landed face first. The blessing for me was that because it was a party in preschool, I had other mom helpers in class. This allowed me to break away for a second to go get her. The other blessing was that these moms knew who I was and had my number and were there for her. 
I arrived and she was still on the ground bleeding pretty good out of her mouth. Upon inspection, we noticed that her top middle tooth was missing. Then we looked further and found her bottom tooth missing. Luckily we found both teeth on the cement. But she was in a lot of pain. 

Look at that tooth....that wasn't meant to come out for some time. She had quite the impact to get it out. Her teeth next to the ones she lost were very sensitive too. We were concerned she would lose the others or they'd go grey. They never did. 
 Brecklynn was such a trooper. By that evening, she was laughing and being hilarious. Never acting like she had just gone through his horrendous experience.
 This was Valentine dinner. We made heart pancakes, and had orange juice and milk in goblets.

 Then the kids went on little Valentine scavenger hunts to find their goodies.

 Part of my present this day was we got trees in front finally!!!

 Brecklynn didn't want to put her teeth under her pillow until she showed her teacher. Her teacher gave her these cute teeth containers for her to hold her teeth in. Sure made her day.

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