Saturday, February 6, 2016

Random pictures

I had to post these somehow. Too good to pass up

One morning, the fog was so thick. Kids thought it was the coolest thing ever. 

 Brielle and Brecklynn were size models for my friends line JunieBlake. So to say thank you, the kids got to get dresses from them. Brielle loves them. She looks pretty cute too!

 Cambree got an 8 book order- so we had fun making tons of books.

In preschool we made star gazers. Well she was insistant on using it one night. I just so happened to be the night of the red moon. Couldn't get a great picture, but its better than nothing. Brielle of course had to see it with her star gazer.

 A Friend of mine is a sub at the school, she grabbed these pictures of the kids and said they are so cute together all the time. Ridge is always hugging his sister and cousin etc.

 For Halloween, Brecklynn got this to wear, but Brielle wanted to try it on- she looked too cute not to take a picture of.

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