Tuesday, February 2, 2016

2015 Jan-February

So here we go again in the attempt to get these posts up to date. We are starting back in January and working just up to Valentines in this post.

For Valentines, we made special little magnets with the preschoolers pictures on them for their parents. I loved how the background turned out. 

 Brielle was so tired one day after preschool, she fell asleep in the cart at Walmart.
 And she found some makeup....isn't she gorgeous?

 Curtis and I got called to the little Sunbeam class right before the wards split. It was fun to be these little girls teachers for that time. They are HILARIOUS together. This is Brylee Ferrin.
 For Brecklynn's Kindergarten class, we did a valentine bulletin board. I think it turned out pretty cute. Each kid made a Bee Mine bee.

 Brecklynn had to make a large Valentine for her concert. She actually participated in her part. I was SO proud of her. She did so good.
 She's in the bright pink and sparkly heart shirt.

Of course GG made it to her performance.

 The girls had fun doing their valentines. This was Brielle's first time doing it herself.

 This was at the Valentine party for preschool. These two are hilarious. Junie's brother was in a horrible accident where he burned his hand in hot water. So her parents were over in the valley for over a week. So we helped take care of this girl and the rest of the family. Seriously SO cute.

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